www.youtube.com/watch?v=AjNPeKgLnC8&feature=relatedlol Its has some Auus in there so I just had to post it! XD
I am a little spider. Au au auu au! Watch me spin. Au au auu au!
If you'll be my dinner I'll let you come in. Au au auu au! Then I'll spin
a web to hold you tight. Au au auu au! And than gobble you up in
one big bite! Chu! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Au
au auu au! I haven't had a good meal in a long long time! Au au
auu au! Tomatoes are very nasty things! Au au auu au! Today's
mission is to rid the world of tomatoes! Au au auu au! Nothing
compares to the sweet taste of blood. Au au auu au! I can feel its
warmth in your veins. Au au auu au! Nothing like a little late night
snack! Au au auu au! Mommy always told me the best life is a
kunoichis life! Au au auu au! So true! Au au auu au! Mommy always
told me my target is another word for a tasty morsel Au au auu
au!So true! Au au auu au! Mommy told me my father was a very
fine man! Au au auu au! So she just had to have his head! Au au
auu au! But Mommy! mommy! mommy! What would you do. If you
fell love with your snack? Au au auu au! My heads tells me to eat
but my chest tells me to love! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Au au
auu au! Au au auu au! My name is Kumoko the spider kunoichi! Au
au auu au! I live on a magic flying ship that sails thru the clouds. So
cool! Au au auu au! The white coat people say you’re on a trip. Au
au auu au! I hope you will write soon! Au au auu au! They say my
mission is to protect the flying ship and its captain. Au au auu au!
Her name is Ducky Wose! Au au auu au! Sensai is a silly man! Au
au auu au! I like to hide in his dress but then he will get mad. Oh
well! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! I
like playing with Mr. Kitty! Au au auu au! But hes always so grumpy.
Au au auu au! Maybe hes mad cause he has so tail? Au au auu au!
Miss Bomber likes to play hide and seek! Au au auu au! My Emma
says its scwary but I think its fun! Au au auu au! Wed is a little lady
but hes really a guy. Au au auu au! Tod is silly because he thinks a
girl. But I know hes a guy! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Mr. Gecko
wants to invite us over for tea. Au au auu au! But its really a trap in
disguise! Au au auu au! Miss Bomber wants me to make webs stuff,
But its not for catching food! Isn't that weird? Au au auu au! Au au
auu au! Au auu au! Au au auu au! The stuff I made is called a
clothes Au au auu au! I wonder if my Emma will like hers. I think
Miss Bomber called it a webbing dress? Au au auu au! Au au auu
au! Au au auu au! Au au auu au! Chu!